Promise Keepers ‘Proclamation on Godly Masculinity’ Urges Ministry Leaders to Provide Clarity and Public Accountability on Gender Roles
Proclamation Prompts Pastors and Leaders to Publicly Declare Their Position on Biblical Masculinity
‘No more playing both sides to ensure the pews remain full’

Ken Harrison,
Chairman of Promise Keepers

Colorado Springs, CO (June 3, 2024)
Promise Keepers, one of the nation’s largest and longest-standing men’s ministries, announced today the launch of the Proclamation on Godly Masculinity. The proclamation seeks to establish where leaders and pastors nationwide fall in their position on masculinity, femininity, gender roles and most specifically, Godly masculinity and the role of men in our culture.

Written in collaboration with influential and esteemed Christian leaders such as Sam Rodriguez, A.R. Bernard, Gene Getz, Chad Hennings, Doug Stringer, David and Jason Benham and Wingmen Ministries, among others, the proclamation establishes 10 truths regarding masculinity, the unique callings God places on men, and the ways men must step up and lead in their churches, families and communities.

“The 10 specific responsibilities of a Godly man declared in this proclamation are not newly curated ideas,” says Ken Harrison, Chairman of Promise Keepers. “Rather, they are an affirmation of Truth since the beginning in the Garden of Eden. Each affirmation is backed by scripture to serve as a reminder that this is not merely man-made, but supported by the Eternal Truth of scripture.”

Harrison says the Bible details distinctive roles and responsibilities for men (masculine) and women (feminine) and that our current culture has been captured by the lies of Satan, confusing those roles and responsibilities. This confusion, he says, has led to moral decline, violence, disrespect of parents and elders and sexual perversion.

“The confusion surrounding these roles, unique to our time and culture, must be confronted and refuted by the church,” says Sam Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and a contributing author of the proclamation. “By blurring these roles, some men fail to embrace the masculinity for which they were created. Failing to do so dishonors women and the uniqueness with which God created them. This proclamation endeavors to restore the foundational aspects that define manhood and masculinity.” The lines between traditional gender roles have been blurred by various institutions such as media, entertainment and educators. Although the church cannot control their agendas, it is the responsibility of Christian leaders to refute that messaging and clearly communicate their stance on the matter. “By not clearly acknowledging those unique roles, society has raised generations of men to be confused, apathetic and purposeless,” says Harrison. “Too many pastors and leaders have failed to clearly communicate their position on the issue, instead playing both sides of the issue to ensure they aren’t ‘canceled’ and that their pews remain full. We need to clarify what it is to be a man and what it is to be a man of God.”

The proclamation can be read in its entirety, signed and shared here.

Headquartered in Colorado Springs and founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers stated mission is to follow Jesus Christ in being a powerful and effective agent of transformation among men in our nation and worldwide, aiming to inspire men to live with integrity and mobilize them to answer God’s call to be Changemakers in His name. Promise Keepers is committed to connecting men across all denominational, generational, racial and cultural lines – and assuring every man has the opportunity to receive new life, know God’s Word, and follow Christ in Kingdom changemaking,

Sermons, worship music and books have encouraged men to make and keep the 7 Promises – a foundational set of principles for how men of God can apply Scripture to their daily lives and annual conferences and local PK gatherings – combined with new virtual events and the PK Digital Community – give men across the world access to an unprecedented hub of Christian resources. This library of resources includes Bible studies, sermons and practical courses developed by incredible partner organizations and ministries. Topics include fatherhood, marriage, faith and mental health.

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