25th Anniversary of Stand in the Gap
On October 4, 1997, hundreds of thousands of men–some say millions–gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and prayed for our nation for six hours. To honor the 25th anniversary of this incredible event, known as “Stand in the Gap,” we produced a documentary to share the inspiring experience with the next generation of Promise Keepers. Register to watch the documentary free of charge.

Carried: Real Support for Mental Health
As men, it can be tough to ask for help from our brothers, but there’s no shame in it. Everybody needs someone they can turn to, especially in tough times, and as Christians we’re called to carry one another through trials and challenges. That’s why we created Carried: Real Support for Mental Health, an online summit that offers real, no-nonsense support for mental health issues from men of God. The one-hour digital event is accompanied by a devotional, delivered to your email inbox, as well as a three-week challenge in the Promise Keepers App. Register to access the event and receive your devotional free of charge

As Promise Keepers, we commit to building strong marriages through love, protection, and biblical values (Promise 4). Our Marriage Summit equips you to stick to this commitment with practical advice for healthy communication, a fulfilling sex life, and processing the past–all from marriage experts and Christian leaders. The summit begins with a two-hour digital event and is accompanied by additional resources and a 21-day challenge in the Promise Keepers App. Register to access the event and receive additional resources free of charge.

Fatherhood Summit
Fatherhood is one of the most important jobs out there. Strong fathers build strong families, which build strong churches and communities. That’s why our Fatherhood Summit focuses on providing encouragement, practical tips, and support for parenting in today’s culture. The digital kickoff event features Christian leaders, father-and-son duos, and panelists, and is accompanied by a 14-day challenge in the Promise Keepers App. Register to access the event free of charge.

Free Man Summit
Today, pornography and sex addiction are on the rise, along with the devastation they bring with them. Many of us know individuals or families who have been deeply wounded by sexual sin. As Promise Keepers, we commit to sexual purity (Promise 3) and integrity. Our Free Man Summit is designed to support you as you discover complete freedom from pornography and/or sex addiction. The digital event features a powerful program by Christian leaders and ministries, and is accompanied by a 30-day challenge in the Promise Keepers App. Register to access the event free of charge.

help us reach men
god's word
We offer free access to our digital events because we believe in sharing our mission with as many men as possible, and we are endlessly grateful for the support from donors that make this possible.
Consider giving a gift so that we can bring men closer to God and connect brothers in Christ with our digital events for years to come.